The Morning Coffee Gossip Catastrophe

In my otherwise average neighborhood, there’s someone who turns the ordinary morning routine on its head: the sexy neighbor who loves sipping coffee half-naked on his balcony. Every morning at exactly 8 o’clock, he transforms the entire area into a scene from a morning person’s commercial. One day, while I was engrossed in my work…

Kweer, Kind and Kinky – Season 3

The Kweer, Kind and Kinky Podcast is entering its third season. In this episode, I’ll take you on an unfiltered journey into the realm of open communication and interpersonal moments. This time, I’ll be sharing an experience from my vacation trip that I had with my partner. Honestly, during the trip, a small difference of…

A Hilarious Hiccup on a Date Night

I like to remember back to my past dating failures back then. Here’s one of my favorite but funny dating failures. It was somewhere in October 2020. As the stars twinkled above, setting the perfect backdrop for romance, me a charming gay single, nervously awaited my blind date with David* at a trendy rooftop bar…

Embracing the Joys of Friendship: A Lifelong Celebration

Life’s journey has brought me many blessings, but none as precious as the gift of true friendship. As I reflect on the joys of life, the moments that stand out the most are the ones spent with my close friends, cherishing each other’s company, catching up on news and gossip, and reveling in the simple…

Movie Review: The Flash 2023

Last Saturday i went to the cinema with some friends and we watched THE FLASH. Even though I’m a big Marvel Fan, i wanted to see this Movie, cause i was kinda curious. So here’s my review. The Flash movie featuring Michael Keaton and Ezra Miller is a thrilling and captivating superhero film that successfully…


Love’s resilience knows no bounds; it weaves its intricate tapestry, testing our hearts along the way. In eight years of seeking and learning, I encountered diverse souls, each leaving a mark on my journey. Amidst the serendipity of life, destiny played its hand, reuniting two wandering souls from a decade past, the beautiful chaos, destiny…

My response to hate messages

In a world where digital communication has become the norm, it’s disheartening how easily people can pass judgment without truly knowing the person behind the screen. I’ve personally experienced the sting of receiving hate messages, with people making assumptions about my personality without any real understanding of who I am. However, instead of dwelling on…

Hello World.Pt 2

Hello together. After a long time I am back on the blog. I have spent the last few months to take more time around my further education in social work, so my blog posts came a little short. Which is why I’ve been more active on Instagram, but you already know that. What’s new in…

Season Two

The second season starts again on 14th October. With a new name and new content. Stay tuned ✌🏻

Movie Review: Thor – Love and Thunder – Ein Donnerschlag der Liebe

Willkommen zu meinem persönlichen Film Review von „Thor – Love and Thunder“! Gestern wurde ich von der PR Firma „We are Pepper“ zu einer exklusiven Presseschau des Films eingeladen, und ich kann sagen, dass es ein wirklich großartiges Erlebnis war. Als Fan des Marvel-Universums hatte ich hohe Erwartungen an diesen Film, und ich wurde definitiv…